Royalty reporting in Excel is time-consuming and too prone to human error. When your finances are dependent on fast and accurate reporting, you need royalty reporting software that you can trust. Just-ROYALTIES is that solution. This comprehensive business management solution allows you to run your entire finance and royalty statement production within a single solution. With effective royalty reporting software, you save time, resources, and most importantly, ensure that your data is always accurate and reliable. 

With our royalty reporting software, you’ll be able to create royalty statements in minutes, as opposed to weeks, and have all the relevant data in one convenient place. You’ll also be able to distribute statements quickly and consistently with a triggered self-billing invoice for the accounts team. With multi-platform capabilities, you’ll receive the same user experience no matter how you deploy – in the cloud, on-premises, or a little bit of both.


Improved Financial Visibility

With the clarity that Just-ROYALTIES provides, you’ll be able to make thoroughly informed business decisions, map financial information and performance in real-time and improve commitments accuracy by title.

Titles, Statements & Share Lines

Keep your intentions transparent with Just-ROYALTIES. With our royalty reporting software, all the relevant data for your titles, statements and share lines is in one place. That means you’ll be able to post your royalty ledger entries and calculate all future commitments with clarity.


Calculate, generate and distribute statements with just a few clicks in our royalty reporting software. When you create royalty statements, they're automatically submitted for approval before being distributed by email. For maximum reassurance, they’re also posted to create a self-billing order or invoice.

Title & Financial Reporting

Just-ROYALTIES provides an accessible, clear, real-time overview of profit and cash flow for each title and for the total of titles combined.


Just-ROYALTIES utilises automation, which removes the chance for human error and reduces the process of reporting from weeks down to minutes. When you’re saving that much time, you can afford to report on a much more regular basis and smooth out cash flow by avoiding lump payments. Royalty reporting software also ensures that you have clear data so you’re able to recoup upfront costs before paying out.

Effortless Automation

You’re not only able to calculate royalties for a given participant with Just-ROYALTIES. This fast and effective royalty reporting software allows you to effortlessly calculate and send your statements in one single automated process. By calculating your royalties from a financial system, you’re safeguarding both the accuracy and the integrity of your data. 

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Calculating a royalty share is easy with Just-ROYALTIES. So long as you can define the share line criteria and attribute a percentage against that line, you’ll have everything you need.

You can run a royalty statement calculation at any time in the period. Most companies run their statements twice yearly because the process is so time-consuming. As the process is so quick in Just-ROYALTIES, you can run them monthly, which helps cash flow and visibility of commitments.

Yes. As standard, our Just-ROYALTIES royalty reporting software allows you to run different commission rates based on territory and format.

Just-ROYALTIES Pricing

License Pricing



Base Module (Includes one user)

Additional full users £100 per user

Just-ROYALTIES App includes one Business Central Licence only

Implementation Costs



per implementation

Excludes BC services

Support Costs


see below

Included as part of the license and implementation pricing

Just-ROYALTIES: Q&A Session with Matthew Ash

Why do clients choose Just-ROYALTIES? What are their key motivations, and what specific issues does Just-ROYALTIES address?

If you are a large-scale distribution company and are questioning, ‘How can I simplify and systematise royalty reporting?’ you might be aware of the complexities involved. These arise when distributing titles across various territories and formats. Consider the following questions:

How can you accurately calculate your commission, which varies depending on territory and format?

How will you accurately report sales to the producers from whom you purchased the rights?

How can you deduct the costs incurred in marketing and distributing the content?

What if you need to recover a lump-sum advance before paying further royalties to the production company?

Many companies still rely on Excel for creating, calculating and managing their royalty reports, primarily due to the lack of better alternatives. Calculating royalties for a single title in Excel might take around half an hour. However, for a distribution company handling over 100 titles, using Excel becomes impractical. Not only is it time-consuming, but manual data entry also increases the risk of errors. Consequently, royalty reporting becomes such a troublesome task that some companies perform it only twice a year.

For TV and film companies looking to improve cash flow, a service like Just-ROYALTIES could be a solution because it allows monthly royalty processing. It greatly accelerates the process, enabling you to calculate and distribute all statements for a period within seconds. If your current royalty reporting process takes days, Just-ROYALTIES offers significant advantages.

Distribution companies, particularly Royalty Accountants, experience the greatest benefits from our service. We significantly reduce the time required for royalty reporting, from weeks to minutes. Additionally, Royalty Managers can trust the accuracy of their data more, as our system handles all the calculations. This results in faster and more precise royalty reporting.

The cost varies depending on whether you are also implementing a finance system like Business Central. Without this, an investment of £10,000 enhances your royalty reporting capabilities. For those upgrading to Business Central, the investment is considerably higher, often tens of thousands, to set up multiple companies. Additionally, there is a monthly licence fee of £175. This significant investment is offset by the substantial benefits gained.

Consider the value of your time. Our service enables the automatic distribution of statements in minutes instead of weeks, liberating the Royalty Accountant to focus on more impactful tasks. For a Royalty Accountant, reducing a task from three weeks to one hour saves a significant portion of their salary. Assuming the usage of just the royalty aspect of our service, priced at £10,000, most clients recoup their investment within six months.

We typically ask for a minimum twelve-month contract, as it is necessary to use the service for this duration to fully realise its value.

Some rights management solutions offer aspects of royalty reporting. However, distribution companies that switch to Just-ROYALTIES often do so because they have not found satisfaction with these alternatives.

We are developing a rights management application named Just-RIGHTS. Typically, rights and royalties are handled on separate platforms. Just-RIGHTS is therefore attracting significant interest from television industry clients, who want to greatly streamline their processes by automatically populating their rights and royalty data simultaneously. The launch is scheduled for early 2024. Additionally, Copilot will soon be integrated into all our applications, including Just-ROYALTIES.

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Our clients are at the heart of everything we do from the very first discussions, right the way through to implementation and finalisation.


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