
Below you’d find a list of some of the more general questions we’re asked on a regular basis. They should give you some insight into who we are and what it’s like to work with us.

Explore Just-TV FAQs

What kind of companies benefit most from Just-TV?

Any company that manages any TV or Film productions will see a lot of value from Just-TV. But those that benefit the most are those with more than 5 or 6 productions going on at any one time. That’s when it really comes into its own.

If you’re doing just one production, you can probably get away with Excel, as it’s relatively easy to manage cashflow, you’ll have visibility over everything, and probably won’t need to fit it into other systems. The power comes when you’re running 5 or more productions, and you need to ensure everyone is doing everything from the same platform. So that not only do you have visibility of all the finance and production data, but you can see the cashflow impact across the business of all of the productions. By looking at the production list on Just TV, at a glance you can see the variances across all productions, and that becomes hugely powerful.

Businesses thrive on cash flow and profitability, so if all of my productions are running over budget, I need to be able to see that quickly. And I can’t see that in one single view on something like Excel.

What are alternatives beyond Excel? How does Just-TV compare to these?

There are one or two other software brands out there that offer a full finance and production accounting platform, but the majority are just budgeting or cost management solutions that aren’t in a finance system. The problem is you end up doing your budgeting in one tool, your cost management in another, your financials in another and your purchase order processing in another. It’s a highly disparate setup without one truth of data.

What’s the minimum contract on Just-TV?

We encourage companies to commit to a 12 month plan as that’s how they’re going to see the benefit, but we are happy to accommodate short term arrangements where your production demands.

Why would a TV or Film company want their data in the Microsoft platform?

Microsoft has a data platform that is unparalleled and includes the Azure backend as well as applications, data environments and low code / no code app building. This has been enhanced hugely by the introduction of Co-Pilot. In short, it just doesn’t make sense to have your data on any other platform than Microsoft.

How is Co-Pilot affecting Just-TV specifically?

The introduction of Co-Pilot will see Just-TV go to another level. It will allow the interrogation of your data in Just-TV, whether it is the last three purchase invoices for a specific vendor that you wish to see, or whether it is the visibility of your most costly schedule codes or production vendors. 

The use of Co-Pilot across your Microsoft environment extends to all of your MIcrosoft apps and data, and now is such an exciting time to be planning how that data structure looks, so that you benefit from the effectiveness of Co-Pilot. 

How quickly can our business get Just-TV up and running?

If it’s just one production under one company then you could be up and running in a month. However, If you’re running multiple productions across multiple companies, it could be 6-9 months. The important thing to stress is that Just-TV is not adding any time. A normal financial system takes 6-9 months. Adding Just-TV to the equation doesn’t make it any longer.

How can the customer help ensure it’s a smooth process?

For a start, you need to be clear on the data you’re going to bring into the new system. For example, some companies want to start afresh and only add new productions in the software, while others want to include all the historical data. So the key is to be clear on which of these will apply to your business, right from the outset. If you imagine you’re implementing Just-TV and you’re halfway through a production and want to bring in the original budget and you’ve got a cost manager half populated with entries then there’s a great deal more complexity.

Beyond that it’s all the standard change management principles, so having a strong sponsor at board level, a confident project manager at both ends, and adequate time and resources among those involved in the project.

What’s the typical ROI period on Just-TV?

Business Central generally has an ROI of 18 months. And because we bring so much additional automation to the processes, you can probably half that to 9 months. We’re automating so much, increasing visibility on the variances on the productions, automating some of the process flows, etc, which all adds up to such a strong business case.

Let's Talk

If you need customised software, we can create it. If you need a standard, cloud-based system, we’ll set it up. Get in touch with us today to discuss how our solutions will help streamline your processes for better data, better reporting and a better experience.

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