Business Central FAQs

Below you’d find a list of some of the more general questions we’re asked on a regular basis. They should give you some insight into who we are and what it’s like to work with us.

Explore Business Central FAQs

What kind of businesses should upgrade from smaller solutions (such as Xero/Sage/Quickbooks) to Business Central?

As a rule, any complex business model or evolving business model can see huge value from the change to Business Central, but here are some specific questions that might answer the question:
  • Are you operating in more than one country (or do you have plans to expand abroad)?
  • Are you heavily invested in your supply chain?
  • Do you have high growth forecast?

Can you provide some examples of specific industries that benefit from the transfer to Business Central?

  • Manufacturing is one of the best examples due to the high level of investment in the supply chain. For example, if a furniture company were to transition to Business Central, it would enable instant connectivity across each of its teams, and provide central visibility of all financial and operational data. The sales team could view customer orders and share accurate delivery schedules, while the procurement team could manage supplier invoices and monitor inventory levels.
  • Any franchise model where the franchises all sit under one financial system. Business Central offers unparalleled growth and consolidation functionality, so franchises could be easily added and removed, month to month.
  • TV and film as they tend to operate with multiple companies.
  • Charities as they benefit from the utilisation of the dimensions to handle fund management and departmental budgets.
  • Any other complex or rapidly evolving industry where companies require high levels of customisation within their finance systems.

We’re a service provider and have multiple clients that we believe would benefit from a change to Business Central. What’s the first step?

The best thing to do is send an overview of the clients and their frustrations with their current setup. From that we can assess the merits of moving to Business Central and build a scope that satisfies their key success criteria.

Please also keep in mind we offer a partner scheme, so if you have multiple clients that you believe could benefit, send us the details and we can set up a call to discuss how best to make such a relationship work for all parties.

Let's Talk

If you need customised software, we can create it. If you need a standard, cloud-based system, we’ll set it up. Get in touch with us today to discuss how our solutions will help streamline your processes for better data, better reporting and a better experience.

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